
Friday, August 30, 2019

Everything about eyelash extensions

There’s no denying that eyelash extensions are a great way to get the lashes of your dreams without having to apply them every morning. They’ll also save you time on your makeup routine as you won’t need to curl your lashes and apply mascara. 

What Is Eyelash Extension?

Eyelash extensions are individual lash hairs that are applied one at a time. They are kept in place with semi-permanent glue making your eyelashes look fuller, lengthier and adorable! It made getting ready in the morning a breeze, make you feel so much more confidence when going makeup free.

How are they applied? 

As each eyelash is applied one at a time, take a lash, coat it with adhesive and shimmy it on one-by-one. It’s important to mix it up when picking lash lengths then you will receive a fully customized finish according to your eye shape. The hairs are glued on with semi-permanent glue.  

What are the different type of eyelash extensions you can get?

There Are Various Types Of Eyelash Extensions

You can try different lengths and fullness of your lashes. 

Some women love long and extremely gorgeous lashes while some love normal length lashes with more thickness and volume. General length of normal lash extensions are 8 to 15mm. You can select any of these lashes as per your need and can get them done!

Also various kinds of curing are available for the extended lashes. You can have extreme curl, J(less curl)_B(a bit curl)_C (medium curl)_D (curly)_U (very curly) curl for your lashes and make them look flawlessly long and curled! This depends on how your original lashes are and how long would suit your beautiful eyes!

How long do eyelash extensions last? 

       With Proper Care Extended Lashes Can Last Long Up To 2 Months

The amount of time they last depend on many factors. Your lifestyle (the type of beauty products you use, whether you exercise often, etc) can have an effect. Additionally, your lash growth cycle, whether you have oily eyelids and the way that you sleep (if you sleep on your face, eyelash extensions probably aren’t for you) can also determine how long your eyelash extensions stay on for.

Proper hygiene is extremely important for lash extensions 

Arrive to your appointment with clean eyes. 

After each application, whether it be your first full set of lashes or a refill,...for 24hrs you should also avoid steam.

Your eyelids produce a lot of oil, not to mention the gunk that can build up while you sleep, sweat, from makeup etc. You can get infections and itchy red eyes if you don't clean properly! 

Had lash extensions, you have to cleans your lashes day and night with a foam cleanser that was made for eyes and brush them with a brush. 

The maintenance includes avoiding oil-based waterproof mascara and using water-based mascara instead, rubbing your eyes or pulling on the lashes, and depending on how you sleep, using a satin or silk pillowcase. 

Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure that your extensions look their best, and also last between fills

Do eyelash extensions ruin your natural lashes?
 Eyelash Extensions would Not Harm Your Original LashesApplied correctly and properly, they are safe and would not ruin the health of your natural lashes. Be sure not to rub your eyes or tug or pull on the extensions because this can cause lash loss and even damage to your natural lashes.

 How Long Does it Take to Apply?

In the process of eyelash extension application, each lash is individually adhered to a single natural lash using semi-permanent glue. 

For a full set of lashes, this process will generally take around 75mins. During this time you will need to keep your eyes completely closed to ensure correct application and safety. If you’re wanting eyelash extensions on a budget, or are looking for a more subtle effect, consider getting a half set of lashes instead. A half set will still have a great thickening appearance on natural lashes without the drama of a full set. It will also take less time (45mins) to apply and cost less.

Can the glue gets in your eyes?

No. Since your eyes are shut the whole time lash extensions are being applied, no glue will ever get into your eyes. Your technician should be trained properly to apply the adhesive and lashes in a way that is completely harmless. 

Can I apply make-up to eyelash extensions? 

One of the major benefits to eyelash extensions is not having to apply make-up. You can also skip eyeliner, as the lashes give you a darkened line along your lash line. However, you can still wear make-up. The most important thing is how you remove the make-up: “You need to use a cotton bud and micellar water,” , “Avoid oil-based products on the lashes throughout the whole time you have them, as this can make them fall out.”

Can I shower with my eyelash extensions?

Yes, but wait at least 24 hours after your appointment before you do. During this time period, getting your lashes wet can weaken the lash glue.

Are eyelash extensions worth it?
For many women the answer is a big yes!  Apart from framing the eyes and making the eyes look much prettier, they save a considerable amount of time not having to use mascara every morning.  Several of my clients don’t even bother with other makeup such as eye shadow or eyeliner as they feel so much more confident with the extensions on.

How often do you need to get lash extensions redone?

Lash extensions last through a full growth cycle of natural eyelashes, typically six to eight weeks. That said, because each person’s lash growth is somewhat variable (just hair growth), I suggest light lash maintenance every two to three weeks to maintain a full look.

Do lash extensions fall out over a certain period of time? 

Since each lash extension is attached to a single eyelash, they will fall out naturally along with the natural growth cycle of each lash. We recommend a touch-up every two to three weeks.

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