
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Eyelash extensions After care

  1. Do not get your eyelashes wet for the first 4 hours and do not use a spa, sauna or pool for the first 24 hours. The extensions need that amount of time to properly bond. Avoid pulling or rubbing your eyes.
  2. Do not perm, tint or use eyelash curler with your extensions, with our proper application you will not need them
  3. Only use oil-free make-up removal. If your lashes are tangled or crossed over, gently brush them straight and put them in place
  4. Proper hygiene is very important. Please keep lashes clean by regular washing with a special foaming lash cleanser
  5. Do not use mascaras on the extensions. Use care when applying facial and eye cream to avoid the lash line.
  6. Too much oil-based products can break down the adhesive.
  7. Recommends touch-up every 2 or 3 weeks to maintain your lashes health

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